Permits, Licenses & Forms


 Forms & Applications

BETR Application BETR Personal Property Reimbursement Program
BETE Application BETE Personal Property Equipment Exemption program.
Blind Exemption Application State program for those legally blind.
Building Permit Application Permit for building structure over 144 sq ft or adding to existing structure.
Driveway Permit Application Permit for entrance on Local Roads
Farmland Application Classification to assess in the Farmland Program
Homestead Exemption Application Application for state Homestead Exemption.
Driveway Permit Application State Application for entrance onto State Roads.
Open Space Application Assessment of land in state Open Space program.
State Property Tax Deferral Program Application for State Property Tax Deferral Program
Tree Growth Application Application for assessment in Tree Growth program.
Veterans Exemption Application Application for property tax exemption for qualifying veterans.
Sole Proprietor DBA filing-Fillable Those operating as a DBA for their business must file this with the Clerk and pay a $10 filing fee.